Give by Text
You may make a donation to GBC by sending a text to our unique number:
- To give to the Ministry Fund: Text amount
- To give to a specific fund: Text amount space fund code
Current GBC fund codes:
- Bene: Benevolent Fund
- OAC: Operation Aviation Christmas
- RI: Reunion Initiative (Building Expansion)
- STAFF: Staff Christmas GIft
- Text FUNDS to the phone number above to receive a complete list of current fund codes
- To give $25 to the Ministry Fund, text 25 to the number above
- To give $25 to the Reunion Initiative (Building Expansion) Fund, text 25 RI to the number above
A dollar sign is optional. The fund code is NOT case sensitive.
Registration Link: You will receive a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your name and credit/debit card information.
Once you have registered, you will not need to register again to Give By Text. Future Give By Text donations will process automatically.
(Please note that your registration for
Gift Confirmation: You will receive a confirmation text with an option to make your gift recurring or to refund or cancel this donation.
Give By Text Keywords:
You may text these keywords to the number above for more information:
- Assist - sends Give By Text instructions
- Discontinue - cancels your recurring Give By Text donations
- Edit - sends you a link which allows you to edit your name, payment method, address, and/or email
- Funds -
sends a list of GBC's Give By Text funds - Halt - permanently disables Give By Text to GBC. You will NOT be able to re-enroll with your phone number.
- Refund - refund or cancel a donation
- Schedule - set up a new recurring donation