Mission Partners

We believe that the Great Commission is a command for all Jesus followers to take part in making disciples among all nations. The way we can do that is by going or sending. We have the privilege of taking part in sending our partners through our prayers.

Would you join us in consistently praying for the Lord to make His name known through our partners? 

Global Partners:

Profile image of Briggs, Chris and Renae

Briggs, Chris and Renae

Caribbean Christian Center for the Deaf: Jamaica
Discipleship of adults and children as well as administration and ministry development. 


To seek the Lord daily in every life and ministry decision; The Spirit to move in the hearts of those they are ministering to; Endurance from the Lord; Family health; Christian community; Unity with Coworkers.

Profile image of Dixon, Andy and Lauren

Dixon, Andy and Lauren

Agape (Cru): Europe
Development of global opportunities. 


For students in Birmingham (and the wider UK) to meet Christ for themselves and be raised up to make Him known. For the sending of Europeans into gospel ministry around the world. Specifically for our UK partner locations: Malta, Russia, Sierra Leone & Water’s Edge (secure location). For rest, refreshment and joy for our family in all that we do amidst busy lives.

Profile image of Falls, Dan and Casie

Falls, Dan and Casie

Ethnos360 and its Global Partners: Based in Africa
Leading and assisting trainers around the world to reach unreached people groups.


Pray that as we engage with teams that we will be agents of unity and humility. To seek the Lord daily in every life and ministry decision; The Spirit to move in the hearts of those they are ministering to; Endurance from the Lord; Family health; Christian community; Unity with Coworkers.

Profile image of Halik, Honza and Elyse

Halik, Honza and Elyse

Word of Life: Czech Republic
Camp Coordinator- teaching, managing staff, and operations.


Pray for our team to work in unity and be single minded as we serve the Czech People. Pray for our team this fall as we have a lot of public schools retreat coming to our camp. That through their time they would make their next step with Jesus. Pray for wisdom as we are looking at new way to minister to the Czech youth. Pray for our ongoing ministry to the Ukrainians refugees in our surroundings. Pray for our intern Van who is going to serve in the Philippines with the desire to go to Myanmar. Pray for our family as we are in the process of adopting another child. Lord willing in the next few months.

Profile image of Hull, Harold and Christine

Hull, Harold and Christine

Ethnos360: Papua New Guinea 

Church planting in an unreached people group. 
Pray for all of the traveling and transitions we are doing this year. Pray that we would be patient with each other and with our children and would rest and rely on the Lord through the transitions that are to come. Pray for the country and people of Papua New Guinea and pray with us that we would continue to be able to raise full support. 
Profile image of Koike, Tomoo and Kaori

Koike, Tomoo and Kaori

Fellowship International Mission: Japan
Youth ministry and local pastor.


For our kids and teen ministry in Sendai Kita Church and Izumi Church. For our Bible Cafe ministry and English classes for kids and teens in Minamisanriku, a village which was hit by tsunami in 2011. M, who has been bullied at school since 2019. (Kaori teaches English to her. She has heard the gospel several times but hasn’t show her response yet.) For each of our family members so we may glorify God each day.

Profile image of Owen, Carey and Sharon

Owen, Carey and Sharon

Paraclete Mission Group: Spain
Evangelism and church planting.


To seek the Lord daily in every life and ministry decision; The Spirit to move in the heart of those they are ministering to; Endurance from the Lord; Family health; Christian community; Unity with Coworkers.

Profile image of Ozinga, Phil and Martha

Ozinga, Phil and Martha

Avant: Honduras
Mentoring local pastors, field coordinator, local mobilization.


To seek the Lord daily in every life and ministry decision; The Spirit to move in the heart of those they are ministering to; Endurance from the Lord; Family health; Christian community; Unity with Coworkers.

Profile image of Salas, Jonothan and Amelia

Salas, Jonothan and Amelia

Hope Community Church: Arizona (Bush Pilot Training)
Enroute to Venezuela as Pilots for the local church to support missionaries in reaching the unreached.


A healthy pregnancy for their first baby! For the Lord to provide full support levels by July 2023. For direction as they have moved to Arizona to complete their advanced missions aviation training. 

Profile image of Stanton, Keith and Jacqueline

Stanton, Keith and Jacqueline

Ethnos360: Florida
Training church planters and bible translators to reach the remaining 2500 unreached people groups.


For health, strength, and encouragement in the Lord. Pray for them as they try to connect with and develop a meaningful relationships, as well as wisdom in how to lead and coach each person or couple. Pray for their team of coaches that they would work well as a team. Pray for their financial support as they have lost some support and are trusting God to raise more partners.

Profile image of Thar, Jonathan and Jodi

Thar, Jonathan and Jodi

SEND International: Taiwan
Campus ministry

Pray for a spiritual revival in Taiwan.
Ask the Lord would work in the hearts of university students.
The ladies bible study Jodi leads would help in spiritual growth of these ladies. 
Profile image of W, Ken and Rhonda

W, Ken and Rhonda

Christar: Grand Rapids
Middle East focus group and team leaders.


Pray for teams serving in the Middle East that God will use their evangelistic efforts and many will choose to follow Jesus.
Pray that we can effectively encourage and train new workers.
Pray that God will strengthen and grow the Turkish church in following Him.

Profile image of Wimbush, Mitchell and Tara

Wimbush, Mitchell and Tara

Wycliffe Bible Translators: St. Joseph, MI
Bible translation support


Pray for Mitchell to thrive in my new cartography position. To seek the Lord daily in every life and ministry decision; The Spirit to move in the hearts of those they are ministering to; Endurance from the Lord; Family health; Christian community; Unity with Coworkers.

Profile image of Dillon and Karen Daniel

Dillon and Karen Daniel

Cru: Ann Arbor
Bridges International


Direction and peace in the midst of joining this ministry.
To seek the Lord daily in every life and ministry decision; The Spirit to move in the hearts of those they are ministering to; Endurance from the Lord; Family health; Christian community; Unity with Coworkers. 

Local Partners :

Profile image of Ardle, Shelly

Ardle, Shelly

Cru: Pennsylvania
Operations and Financial Administration


Wisdom and patience in guiding the U.S Cru staff in financial practices and in being good stewards of the funds the Lord has given them. Also for guiding the staff who work from our office. Pray that I will always remember how  my work changes the lives of students, faculty, and staff - it is easy to get caught up in tasks/spreadsheets and lose the focus on the lost.

Profile image of Cooper, Jay and Melanie

Cooper, Jay and Melanie

RBM: Ypsilanti
Released time classes


To seek the Lord daily in every life and ministry decision; The Spirit to move in the hearts of those they are ministering to; Endurance from the Lord; Family health; Christian community; Unity with Coworkers.

Profile image of Fite, Tom and Meg

Fite, Tom and Meg

On Goal Ministries: Ohio


To seek the Lord daily in every life and ministry decision; The Spirit to move in the hearts of those they are ministering to; Endurance from the Lord; Family health; Christian community; Unity with Coworkers.

Profile image of Gatlin, Karel and Lori

Gatlin, Karel and Lori

Team Expansion: Ann Arbor
Disciple Making among the Chinese students at U of M

Pray that the students will come to know Christ and develop a deep trust in Jesus that leads to lasting transformation.


Profile image of Gudan, Lisa

Gudan, Lisa

University Christian Outreach: Ann Arbor
Mission leader


To seek the Lord daily in every life and ministry decision; The Spirit to move in the hearts of those they are ministering to; Endurance from the Lord; Family health; Christian community; Unity with Coworkers.

Profile image of Hammond, Eric

Hammond, Eric

His House Christian Fellowship: Ann Arbor
On campus at UM and EMU. Helping people find their way back to God and training the next generation of Kingdom leaders.


To seek the Lord daily in every life and ministry decision; The Spirit to move in the hearts of those they are ministering to; Endurance from the Lord; Family health; Christian community; Unity with Coworkers.

Profile image of Jenks, Brian and Sherri

Jenks, Brian and Sherri

Awana: Jackson, MI


To seek the Lord daily in every life and ministry decision; The Spirit to move in the hearts of those they are ministering to; Endurance from the Lord; Family health; Christian community; Unity with Coworkers.

Profile image of Mainzinger, Paul and Megan

Mainzinger, Paul and Megan

Cru: Ann Arbor
Evangelism and discipleship at University of Michigan


For the Lord to provide better housing and financial support. For wisdom in balancing family and ministry life in a healthy and God-honoring way. To seek the Lord daily in every life and ministry decision; The Spirit to move in the hearts of those they are ministering to; Endurance from the Lord; Family health; Christian community; Unity with Coworkers.

Profile image of Narske, Rob

Narske, Rob

Intervarsity Christian Fellowship: Ann Arbor
Coaching and equipping graduate/ law students and faculty to engage their campuses with the Good News.


To seek the Lord daily in every life and ministry decision; The Spirit to move in the hearts of those they are ministering to; Endurance from the Lord; Family health; Christian community; Unity with Coworkers.

Profile image of Reeves, Virgil and Lois

Reeves, Virgil and Lois

Crossworld: Indiana


Healing for both Virgil and Lois. To seek the Lord daily in every life and ministry decision; The Spirit to move in the hearts of those they are ministering to; Endurance from the Lord; Family health; Christian community; Unity with Coworkers.

Profile image of Roeper, Charles (Chuck)

Roeper, Charles (Chuck)

Filter of Hope: Ann Arbor
Missiologist, Director of Resource Development, Mission Trip Leader


"Bringing clean water and the gospel message of Jesus Christ to those in desperate need of both." Pray the Lord enables Chuck to write effective gospel, follow-up, and discipleship materials that will be used with people around the world; lead church and university student mission teams throughout Latin America to give clean water and share the gospel clearly; for safety, good health, and increase in passion for the ministry that the Lord has given us.


Profile image of Rumschik, Mark

Rumschik, Mark

Athletes in Action (Cru): Ann Arbor
Evangelism, Discipleship, and Outreach with Pro, College, and USA Hockey Players.


Pray for players on the USA U18 Hockey Team as they lead two big outreaches in early 2023.  And pray that God continues to spark a passion in the hearts of players as they continue to grow in their faith and use their platform to reach the world through hockey.

Profile image of Sides, Austin and Morgan

Sides, Austin and Morgan

On Goal sports ministry: Ohio

Director of Camps - evangelizing across the country through summer camps and discipling kids and families.


To seek the Lord daily in every life and ministry decisions; for the Spirit to work in the hearts of the kids and their families; for wisdom in planning various programs and in sharing the Gospel with people; for our coaches and partnering churches as we work with them to reach people for Christ.


Profile image of Zimmerman, Kyle and Ashley

Zimmerman, Kyle and Ashley

Cru: Ann Arbor
Campus Director- U of M Undergrad and Grad Ministry- Evangelism, discipleship and global sending.


To seek the Lord daily in every life and ministry decision; The Spirit to move in the hearts of those they are ministering to; Endurance from the Lord; Family health; Christian community; Unity with Coworkers.


© 2025 Grace Bible Church Ann Arbor   |   1300 S. Maple Rd, Ann Arbor, MI US 48103