Missions Blog

Meet and Greet

Posted by Todd Sanford on

Join us in the South Courtyard to meet GBC Mission Partners in between Sunday services.

This is a time to see them, find out about what they're doing, and see how you can keep up with them if you were interested.

We can tend to see missionaries from two extremes, either we see them as these otherworldly godly heros, or we see them as awkward, lazy, or looking to get money from us. These perceptions can lead us to be distant senders. The reality is, they're all fallable humans who have embarked on a massive task and sometimes given up direct access to Christian community and family in order to take the Gospel where it has yet to go. This comes with plenty of mess, and when they are looking to the Lord, the Lord meets them there and works in awesome ways. Meet and Greets are a fun time to get to know them a little better, hear how God has been working through them, and maybe find out a little more about their ministry and how you can be involved.

Things you can ask them:
Where do you guys live?
How long have you been there?
What is the big vision of your ministry?
How have you seen God working in and through your lives?
How did you decide to get into missions?
How have you done being separate from family for so long?
What are ways we can be praying for you now and in general? (write them down)
What are other ways we can be involved in your ministry? (sign up for newsletter, financially support, etc..)

Upcoming Meet and Greets: 

Honza and Elise Halik: April 28th (Word of Life: Czech Republic)

Tomoo and Kaori Koike: May 5th (Fellowship International Mission: Japan)


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