9:30 or 11:00- Which Service Time Works for You?
The Summer Switch and More......Let's take a look at the exciting changes ahead....
It all begins on June 18!!
Service Times Change: 9:30 and 11:00 will be our new Sunday Morning Worship Times!
GraceKids New Classes: Most of our GraceKids will begin attending a new class on promotion Sunday, June 18. Classes will meet from 9:30-12:15. If you have questions regarding your child's transition and class placement or do not receive an email, please contact our Director of Family Ministries- Reagan Sims (
Summer Sunday Seminar: This Summer's Sunday Seminar will begin on June 18 at 11:00 AM. The BIG Story............examining how the grand story of the Gospel works through the various authors, genres and books of the Bible. This adult education class will meet in room F7/8 (behind the coffee bar) through the summer.
Medical/Dental Group Time Change: The Medical/Dental Group will begin meeting at 11:00 each Sunday morning beginning June 18. All of those involved in patient care in the medical or dental fields are invited to attend. This summer this group will be discussing Grand Weaver by Ravi Zaccharias. The book is provided. No advanced preparation is necessary. The class meets upstairs in the Grace Group Orange Room. If finding the G2-Orange is difficult, please ask a greeter.