Exciting GraceKids' News
Jesus' Easter Journey- A 5-week GraceKids Event for Elementary Children
Beginning March 19, our elementary GraceKids will follow the last days of Jesus' life. Special "live action" rooms will be part of their morning each week. Whether you attend our 9 am service or 10:30 am service, your child will see Jesus' last days in a unique and meaningful way. Please make on-time attendance these Sundays a priority! More details will be available before March 19.
March 19- Mary's House at Bethany and Jesus in the Temple
March 26- The Last Supper
April 2- The Garden of Gethsemane
April 9 (Palm Sunday)- Jesus Triumphal Entry, The Cross and the Tomb
April 16 (Easter Sunday)- Easter Morning Celebration and Worship
Want to help one Sunday with this exciting event? Please contact a member of the GraceKids Staff or the GBC Office. Weekday prep as well as Sunday help are needed.