News and Announcements

Ikki Soma to Speak at GBC

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This Sunday, January 26, we have the unique opportunity to have Ikki Soma Speak at GBC.  Ikki has been the lead pastor at City of Refuge since 2012. Ikki was born in Tokyo and reared in California’s San Francisco Bay Area. While Ikki was in high school, God used his Christian rugby coach and teammates to lead him to trust the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior.

Ikki’s ministry began while still a seminary student, as pastoral assistant to Dr. Tony Evans at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship. There he developed passions for multicultural preaching, discipleship, and leadership. After graduation, he planted a multi-ethnic church and then pastored college and young adults in San Antonio. He serves as a chaplain for the Houston Rockets and also conducts chapels for several college teams.

Ikki and Tara, a university administrator and his wife of 20 years, have two daughters in college.

Make plans to hear Ikki Sunday morning at 9:30 and 11:00 or Sunday evening at 5:00.  All three services are identical.  GraceKids Classes will meet 9:20 AM-12:15 PM. KidsClub will meet 5:00 PM-6:30 PM


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