May 17- UPDATED Worship Protocol
For many of you the recent announcement from the CDC and MDHHS is reason to celebrate. Others of you are thinking, “am I ready for this?” or even, “I am not ready for this.” Regardless of your feelings about these new steps to normal we love you all! We appreciate your patience, understanding, support and flexibility as we continue to navigate through this pandemic. It seems the end is in sight and we are grateful.
It is our desire to continue to respect the advice of health experts as well as the comfort level of many of you. After much thought, consideration, prayer and conversation we have a plan. The plan listed below will change over time, but for at least the next few weeks, this is our plan.
Sunday services at our Maple Campus:
- 8:30 AM- This service will continue to observe our current protocols. Sign up ahead of time will continue to be required. It will be limited to 48 households, masks will be expected and we will seat each household 6 feet from others. We will continue to seat households from the front of the sanctuary to the back.
- 10:00 AM- This service capacity will move to 65 households. Sign up ahead of time will continue to be required. We will seat each household in designated seating areas approximately 3 feet apart. Masks will be optional for this service. Those with or without masks will be welcome. We will continue to seat households from the front of the sanctuary to the back.
- 11:30 AM- This service capacity will move to 65 households. Sign up ahead of time will continue to be required. We will seat each household in designated seating areas approximately 3 feet apart. Masks will be optional for this service. Those with or without masks will be welcome. We will continue to seat households from the front of the sanctuary to the back.
GraceKids at our Maple Campus:
- Class sizes will be increased for all classes for all services by 25-50%.
- All children age above 2 will continue to wear masks.
- GraceKids volunteers will continue to wear a mask regardless of vaccination status.
Sunday services at our Refuge Campus:
10:00 AM- This service capacity will move to 32 households. Sign up ahead of time will continue to be required. We will seat each household in designated seating areas approximately 3 feet apart. Masks will be optional for this service. Those with or without masks will be welcome.
GraceKids at our Refuge Campus:
- Class sizes will remain the same.
- All children above 2 years old will continue to wear masks.
- GraceKids volunteers will continue to wear a mask regardless of vaccination status.
Here are some FAQs for both campuses:
Q: How long will these revised protocols be in place?
A: We have no idea. We will continue to monitor the situation and change as it seems wise. Please continue to read all the information we send to you and watch for changes in the coming weeks and/or months.
Q: How will seating work?
A: Our GBC Staff and volunteers will continue to seat you as you arrive. There will continue to be designated seating areas. We will fill in pews from the front of the auditorium to the back and dismiss from the back to the front.
Q: Are we still required to sign up for services each week?
A: Yes, for now we will continue to require sign up for all our Worship services. This is important for our planning, capacity control and is particularly necessary for our GraceKids staff. A new link will continue to be available every Monday morning in The LOOP and on our website. “Just showing up” is strongly discouraged.
Q: Will we need to wear masks to enter the building?
A: Wearing a mask in the building is expected at our 8:30 AM service at our Maple Campus. It will be optional for all other services..
Q: What if my preferred service time is full?
A: We are sorry. Some services will continue to fill before others. We encourage you to sign up for another service and sign up for your preferred service earlier the following week. If you simply cannot make another service time work for you, please continue to check for cancelations or email and we will try to monitor availability for you.
Q: Are we singing corporately?
A: Yes. We began singing corporately in all services on March 7 and this will continue.
Q: But wait, what is a “household?”
A: A household is a group of related or non-related people wanting to sit close together (not socially distant). For example, if you are coming alone - you are a household. If you are a group of 3, you are a household. If you are a group of 6, you are a household. If your household is larger than 6, reserve 2 pews.
Q: Ok, but will the services continue to be available on-line?
A: Yes! Our pre-recorded service will still be available by 9:30 on Sunday. We will offer both options for the foreseeable future. As you know, the “in person” service will not be recorded or live-streamed. Please choose the format that is best for you!
Q: Will there be coffee and tea?
No. These will be “bring your own coffee” services and you will be asked to remove everything from your space when you leave.
A new sign-up link for Worship will be sent every Monday!