Nudges for mealtime- A note from Pastor Ty
Wait a second… did I actually say out loud last week during our in-person services that I want to become a more patient person this year? YOU FOLKS ARE SUPPOSED TO STOP ME FROM SAYING SUCH SILLY THINGS! HA!
Watching our online church service on Sunday, I had to laugh at the ironic timing of this new sermon series as I sat alone in my basement for the 5th straight day due to COVID exposure. Working on patience? Check. Sharing a table with others? Not just yet.
At the end of the message, I gave a challenge for each of us to consider doing something small before or during our meal times to remind us that whether we are in a basement or a dining room, we have been invited to sit Jesus! In order to help us focus rightly, during our meals this week, consider doing one or both of the following:
#1. Set an extra chair at the table and reflect for a moment on Christ's presence.
#2. Pray differently before the meal. If you need something to help in this regard, try using a liturgy like one of these.
These simple practices can help us remember that what happens “At the Table” is far more than just calorie consumption. It is a sacred moment with Jesus. May God meet you in those meal moments this week!
I am eager to see many of you next Sunday, January 16, at one of our three in-person services.
In Him,