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Better Than a Bucket of Ice Water

Posted by Tyson Lemke on

By now, just about every one of us has seen the ALS challenge. People have taken to social media to call one another out to give to research for Lou Gerhig’s disease. They have videoed themselves dumping ice water over their heads and presumably giving to the research at the same time. While my Facebook page seems to be quieting down now, for a couple weeks I couldn’t get away from it. I was challenged multiple times, and I saw videos everywhere of ice bucket challenges- some of which went very poorly when people accidently dropped full buckets with the water still in them onto their heads rather than just the water. Those videos I actually watched ;).

This notion of public charity is a very interesting thing that inspires some of us while causing others of us to cringe with cynicism.  Ultimately, I have no idea, whether this kind of challenge will be a good thing or a bad thing for longterm ALS research, but I do know that this challenge has inspired me to challenge myself and all of you to something.

And it is better than ice water.

Challenge #1a.  Thank God for where He  has planted you… in your family, in your city in your work environment or school.  Thank Him for planting you there.

Challenge #1b.  Ask God to “produce fruit” in you and “plant seeds” there.

That is it.  It is rather simple really.  It doesn’t require wasting water or a video camera.  It doesn’t necessarily take money to do, nor do you need to look up some organization.  I am simply wondering if we can take the parables of Jesus seriously when he says, “The kingdom of God is like a seed…”


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