They Had A Dream
Over 70 years ago, on November 24th, 1946, a small, faithful core of people gathered in Ann Arbor, Michigan to hold a dedication service for the new Grace Bible Church. This morning, a lovely GBC member dropped by the church office and gave us a treasure from that dedication service that she has kept for these many years. This treasure is a poem that had been penned by a GBC member and distributed to be read that November morning.
As I poured over the hopes and dreams written by one of our founding mothers, I happened upon these lines...
The precious story of the cross
O Him who saves from sin
Shall be the message of this church
Both outside and within
May seeking hearts both here and there
A sacred altar find
And may this prove a clearing house
A blessing to mankind
And as the people come and go
Of any tribe or race
O may they find we are indeed
A church of Bible grace