Missions Information

Grace Bible Church is a Sending Church.

For over 75 years, numerous ministries and individuals have been prayerfully and financially supported through the generosity of GBC’s members. In some cases, GBC has been able to partner with people that have grown up as part of the church family and are in various places in the world seeking to be ambassadors of the family of Christ in places of great need. Throughout GBC’s history, millions of dollars and countless prayers have been offered in support of ministries all over the globe. 

How to Connect with GBC mission partners:

Whether serving in administrative roles, university outreach or frontline church planting, GBC has always sought to be a supporting and sending church.  Our missions director and a passionate team of volunteers (Global Connections Team) keeps consistent contact with those serving around the globe. The Global Connections Team also seeks to be advocates for our missionaries and one way of doing this is partnering with various Grace Groups to "adopt" a missionary by following along with, praying for, and seeking to build relationships with their mission partner. A GCT member and a designated Grace Group member coordinate to seek to best love and support our partners. You can find practical ideas for your group here. If you want to connect your group with a GBC missionary, contact the GBC missions director.

Missions Residency:

We also believe in mobilizing and sending potential missionaries from GBC. Our primary way of doing this is through our sending program. This is a 2-4 year commitment, including Biblical training, mentoring and teaching from leaders at GBC, building deep relationships, short term trips, practical ministry experience within GBC, and ending with a 1-2 year outside missions training program. Know someone who might be interested in joining something like this? Please reach out to the GBC missions director ( ).

Hold The Ropes:

Hold The Ropes is a quarterly event, the intention behind it is to grow together in our understanding and unity of sending missionaries well. This includes hearing stories and learning from GBC partners, corporately and personally praying for partners, and of course....snacks. Find our more by clicking here.

Partner Sending Organizations:

Currently, Grace Bible Church is involved in the financial and spiritual support of 29 missionary families. Some of the links to our partner's sending agencies are below: 

Global Strategic Partners:

Avant Ministries, CCCDChristarCrossworldEthnos360, Paraclete Mission GroupSENDTeam ExpansionWord of Life Missions, Wycliffe Bible Translators.

College/Student Ministries:

Cru- University of MichiganGradCru- University of MichiganCru International - University of MichiganHis House- University of MichiganHis House- Eastern Michigan UniversityInterVarsity, University Christian Outreach- Ann ArborRBM MinistriesOn Goal MinistriesAwana.

If you have any specific questions about our mission partners or how you can get involved in supporting our missionaries, please direct your questions to Todd Sanford (  ).


© 2025 Grace Bible Church Ann Arbor   |   1300 S. Maple Rd, Ann Arbor, MI US 48103