Our Blog


Posted by Tyson Lemke on

As a pastor, it is with great remiss that I enter into anything particularly “political”.  I would never want to use the platform I have been given to endorse any candidate- particularly since I assume that many of the fine members of the church where I serve fall on different...

Monday Mourning

Posted by Tyson Lemke on

Another lovely day of rest has been shattered by tragic news. The most recent shootings (pause)… “most recent”- it is loathsome that we need such qualifiers- took place in Orlando. Reportedly, 49 people have died and numerous others have been injured in a clear act of...

Turn On Your Bibles?

Posted by Tyson Lemke on

The ubiquity of our “smart” devices means that many of us have a Bible app available at the touch of a screen.  While this is convenient in many ways, it is not always ideal. Sitting on a deck with members of our small group, I followed along in our Galatians Bible...

Grieving With Family

Posted by Tyson Lemke on

Like many of you, the news from Charleston this week has turned my stomach.  While every murder is a tragedy, this story is certainly sitting differently.  The idea that an evil, racist man would sit through a prayer meeting and then callously gun down God’s...

When A Boy Prays

Posted by Tyson Lemke on

What starts a revival? What are the secret ingredients, steps and programs that lead a large group of people to turn their hearts to God? The Nineveh revival: In Jonah 3, there are 8 words of Jonah’s message to the Ninevites that have been recorded. Perhaps Jonah said far more than that...

Better Than a Bucket of Ice Water

Posted by Tyson Lemke on

By now, just about every one of us has seen the ALS challenge. People have taken to social media to call one another out to give to research for Lou Gerhig’s disease. They have videoed themselves dumping ice water over their heads and presumably giving to the research at the same...

Worship Wars

Posted by Brantley Vosler on

“For years we’ve read about or experienced firsthand the “worship wars’” — conflicts over music styles, song selections, and drums. But far too little has been said about the worship wars going on inside of us, and they’re much more significant.&rdquo...


Posted by Tyson Lemke on

The Ebola virus that has claimed hundreds of lives in Western Africa is coming to Atlanta, and today the 2nd Ebola patient is arriving from Liberia. The two patients, that have been transported back to the States are American citizens who have served abroad as health workers/...

Lions and Tigers and Demons, Oh My!

Posted by Tyson Lemke on

My children were treated to a viewing of the original Wizard of Oz movie in the theatre a couple weeks ago.  Last summer we read, as a family, the classic children’s book, so they knew the story but had never seen the film.  We kept it a surprise from them until they...


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