Sudden drops… we all love the “highs” of life, but will we follow God when He calls us into the “lows”? Join us on Sunday morning at 9:30 or 11:00 as we look at 1 Kings. Both services are identical. GraceKids Classes meet 9:30-12:15.
Join us THIS Sunday morning, September 17, as we look at what it means to be faithful to the end. Worship Service times are 9:30 and 11:00. Baptism will be a part of both services. GraceKids classes will meet 9:30-12:15.
Join us this Sunday morning, September 10, as Pastor Ty continues to explore the role of faith during seasons of transition. Our worship services are at 9:30 and 11:00. Both services are identical. GraceKids classes will meet from 9:30-12:15.
Most people believe that a man named Jesus lived about 2000 years ago, but who was he... really? Join us as we follow the trail of evidence that will lead us to more than an ancient myth or idea, but will lead us to a real man named Jesus- and it may even change our lives.
Plan to join...
GBC Men's Ministry Fall Kick-off Breakfast
When: Saturday, September 16 @ 8:30 AM
Where: GBC Fellowship Hall Open Area
Who: All men college age and above
Cost: FREE!
Guys, don't miss an opportunity to meet and connect with other GBC men and eat some good food as we...
Transitions 1…
Join us this week as Pastor Ty begins a new sermon series and we answer the question: What does faith do with "what is next"? We will also observe communion during both services. Our Sunday morning service times are at 9:30 and 11:00. The...
Ladies Bible Study Begins in September- GBC Women's Ministry Announces Fall Study and Start Dates
Come join us for a six-week study of 2 Timothy with Beth Moore's "Entrusted" Bible study. Learn To Guard What God Has Entrusted To You. We were never meant to take this journey...
Join us this Sunday, August 27, as Pastor Ty continues the series, Rebuild, Restore, Renew. Our Sunday morning Worship times are 9:30 and 11:00. GraceKids Classes will meet from 9:30-12:15.
How do you fix a broken relationship when you are the one that broke it?
Join us this Sunday morning, August 20, as Pastor Ty continues the series Rebuild, Restore, Renew. Our Sunday morning service times are 9:30 and 11:00. GraceKids classes will meet from 9:30-12:15.
Join us this Sunday morning, August 13, as Pastor Ty continues the sermon series entitled-Rebuild, Restore, Renew. Our Sunday morning service times are 9:30 and 11:00. Both services are identical. GraceKids classes will meet from 9:30-12:15.