Our Embrace Grace Ministry will be hosting a baby shower for one new momma and her baby girl. The shower will be on Saturday, July 8, 9:30-11, in The GBC Cafe. Please contact Kate Wood (
) or Hannah Choby (
) for registry information.
Embrace Grace is our ministry to pregnant...
Anyone not currently a part of a Grace Group (our small group ministry) will have the chance to register for the 2017-18 ministry year beginning this Sunday, July 2. Completed forms can be placed in one of the folders on the marked table in The Cafe. Registration forms will be...
Reminder: 9:30 service only on July 2! All GraceKids classes will meet 9:30-10:45. Pastor Ty will continue the sermon series entitled Rebuild, Restore, Renew.
Building project…. we are all invited to join God’s great building project.
Join us this Sunday as Pastor Ty begins a new sermon series beginning in the book of Ezra. Remember our Sunday morning Worship Service times are now 9:30 and 11:00. GraceKids...
The BIG Story
The Sunday Seminar will continue on Sunday mornings at 11:00 AM. The BIG Story............examining how the grand story of the Gospel works through the various authors, genres and books of the Bible. This adult education class meets in room F7/8 (behind the coffee...
Come on Sunday as Pastor Ty talks about celebrating our Heavenly Father and how to pass our faith onto the next generation. Service times are 9:30 and 11:00. The services are identical. GraceKids Class will meet from 9:30-12:15.
The Summer Switch and More......Let's take a look at the exciting changes ahead....
It all begins on June 18!!
Service Times Change: 9:30 and 11:00 will be our new Sunday Morning Worship Times!
GraceKids New Classes: Most of our GraceKids will begin attending a new...
Wouldn't it be nice to know there was a 'sure thing'?
Join us this Sunday, June 11, as Pastor Ty wraps up our series "Walking in the Light." Our two identical services will be at 9 and 10:30 this Sunday morning. GraceKids classes will meet 9-11:44.
Mark your calendars now for the 2017 GBC Campout! The campout will be August 18-20 at Somerset Beach Campground near Irish Hills. Lots of fun for all ages. You may choose to stay both nights or just one. More details to follow. Questions? Contact Carl Hayes (
Out of an abundance of caution and the possibility of storms, the GBC Annual Picnic has been moved to the church.
We will have the same menu (pulled pork, pulled chicken, mac n' cheese, potatoes, beans, cole slaw and dessert!) and have ordered a huge bounce house for...