News and Announcements

Remember the Summer and The Places You'll Go!

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Join us this Sunday morning, June 4, at 9:00 or 10:30 for a quick one week sermon from the book of Romans.    A call to remember echos through Scripture, but it's much more significant than a re-telling of a story.  Remembering re-defines our life and re-focuses our vision and...

Let's Celebrate Together!

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We Are Going To Celebrate- THIS Sunday! Everyone is invited to our Annual GBC Picnic this Sunday Evening June 4, at 5pm. This year's picnic will be at Hudson Mills Metro Park (8801 N. Territorial Road, Dexter, MI 48130) at the Activity Center Shelter.  It will be a catered...

4-Letter Word!

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Sometimes Church can complicate faith, but it is really quite simple.   Join us this Sunday, May 28, as Pastor Ty continues our series from 1 John entitled, "Walking in the Light." Our morning Worship Service times are 9:00 and 10:30.  The services are identical.  GraceKids...

GBC Annual Picnic- June 4

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Everyone is invited to our Annual GBC Picnic on Sunday Evening June 4 at 5pm. This year's picnic will be at Hudson Mills Metro Park (8801 N. Territorial Road, Dexter, MI 48130) at the Activity Center Shelter.  It will be a catered event.  The menu will include pulled chicken...

June 18- Summer Switch- Service Times Change!!!!!

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In order to alter and adjust our growing Sunday morning crowd, the Pastors and Staff of GBC announce the "Summer Switch." Beginning on June 18, our Sunday morning service times will be at 9:30 and 11:00. This change will happen in conjunction with Promotion Sunday in our GraceKids...


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........How to lose your way in 3 easy steps. Please join us the Sunday morning, May 21, as Pastor Ty continues the series from 1 John entitled, "Walking in the Light." Our morning service times are 9:00 and 10:30.  Baptism will be a part of the 9:00 service only.  Otherwise the...

Summer Switch- Service Times to Change!

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In order to alter and adjust our growing Sunday morning crowd, the Pastors and Staff of GBC announce the "Summer Switch." Beginning on June 18, our Sunday morning service times will be at 9:30 and 11:00. This change will happen in conjunction with Promotion Sunday in our GraceKids...

You have to choose and we have two choices!

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  Come Sunday morning, May 14, at 9 or 10:30 as Pastor Ty continues the series, "1 John: Walking in the Light." GraceKids classes will meet 9-11:44.   A Photo Booth for Mother's Day pictures will be available before both services. Take a picture with your mom.  Take a picture...

Mother's Day Pictures!

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Take a picture with your mom!  Take a picture for your mom! Please see the photo booth in the main entrance before and after both services. It's fun.  It's free!

"Hater?"-- May 7

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Join us on this Sunday morning at 9 or 10:30 as Pastor Ty explores a "simple" but difficult challenge from Ole Pastor John in our continuing series from 1 John. GraceKids classes will meet from 9-11:44.


© 2025 Grace Bible Church Ann Arbor   |   1300 S. Maple Rd, Ann Arbor, MI US 48103